Pillar Title Services is a full service agency, offering a complete list of residential services, from search to closing.
Purchase Transactions
Cash Sales
Contract for Deed
Foreclosure/Short Sale
Refinance Transactions
Reverse Mortgages
Title Search/O&E
Witness Closings
Mobile Closings
Closing Checklist
Congratulations you are ready to close! Here’s a reminder of items to bring with you on the day of closing.
Photo identification (passport, driver's license, or state-issued identification card)
Buyer's copy of purchase agreement
Cashier's check(s) for cash required at closing
Proof of purchase of insurance for fire, casualty, etc.
List of residence history for last 10 years
Photo identification (passport, driver's license, or state-issued identification card)
Seller's copy of purchase agreement
Bill of Sale of personal property covered by the purchase agreement
Any unrecorded instruments that affect the title (if any)
Proof of satisfaction of any mechanics' liens, judgments, or mortgages that were paid prior to the closing (if any)
List of residence history for last 10 years
ALTA Best Practices
Pillar Title Services adheres to the ALTA’s Best Practices. ALTA’s seven pillars are outlined below:
Best Practices – Licensing
Establish and maintain current license(s) as required to conduct the business of title insurance and settlement services.
Best Practices – Escrow & Trust Accounts
Adopt and maintain appropriate written procedures and controls for Escrow/Trust Accounts.
Best Practices – Privacy & Information Security
Adopt and maintain a written privacy and information security program to protect non-public personal information as required by local, state and federal law.
Best Practices – Recording & Pricing Procedures
Adopt standard real estate settlement procedures and policies that helps ensure compliance with Federal and State Consumer Financial Laws as applicable to the Settlement Process.
Best Practices – Title Policy Procedures
Adopt and maintain written procedures related to title policy production, delivery, reporting and premium remittance.
Best Practices – Professional Liability Insurance
Maintain appropriate professional liability insurance and fidelity coverage.
Best Practices – Resolving Consumer Complaints
Adopt and maintain procedures for resolving consumer complaints.